“From urban centers to remote rural villages, we are all being sold on a way of life that can only continue to devour the earth and its peoples.”


– Brian Tokar, Toward Climate Justice


New Compass Press

Since 2011 New Compass has been publishing political literature on social ecology, participatory democracy, movement building and social emancipation. We want to present ideas that can help turn our social and environmental networks into a force for change. In 2021 we co-founded Lode and now make up its English language section. The old New Compass website and blog can still be accessed online.

Lode Press

Founded in 2021, Lode is a Nordic publisher currently publishing works in Swedish and Finnish. With a similar thematic focus as New Compass, we aim to make radical ideas accessible in the Nordic languages. We also work in close collaboration with other radical groups and movements and strive to publish material that assist their efforts. Lode’s books are meant as tools for social change!